
{Fab Tip}

Forget this:


My mother-in-law was at Bed, Bath, and Beyond and ran across a demonstration for this Bath Stone. We both have hard water which leaves a fancy schmancy ring in our commodes.
She figured we have tried everything else, so it wouldn't hurt try this one out too.

Every cleaning product and even a few Pinterest tips have helped, but have never completely eliminated the vicious ring.
The lovely gift that keeps on giving!

Forget all the chemical products & home remedies,
this little baby REALLY works!!!!
Not only does it work, but there's NO sweat  involved whatsoever!
Slap on a glove, scrub a dub dub, and that's it you're done!

On top of it being a miracle for OCD gals like me, it's only $3.99! Can't believe something this FABULOUS is sooo cheap.
Why can't great purses & shoes be that cheap :( 

It also works on a few other pain in the ashes too!

Left some bobby pin's in the shower and a pretty rust spot developed.
Bath Stone to the rescue!

Like right now, put on your shoes, grab your keys, and go get one! 


  1. Forget that, get this:
    Step on it once a day and you'll never see that ugly ring again! Added bonus, NO gloves required! ;);)

  2. Daily steps for a busy mom like me, not sure if I would actually keep up? Thanks for the tip. Hey if it works, share the knowledge!

  3. Lol. Know the feeling! Single mom of two here (one of which is a "special needs" child).
